The mother of all lies was sent to the world through a twitter message by Al Arabiya, February 23th. A message which makes Qadafi out to be a Hitler, and even more outrageous and cruel: "the repression in Libya has already claimed 10,000 dead and 50,000 injured."
It may be a ballon d'essai to check if the world was able to swallow it; it did: Even the progressive people in Europe said:
"We must stop the genocide."
"Bengazi is like Guernica."
But who is the source of this news? It was the terrorist rebels indeed (who kept repeating it): Al Arabyia says it received the news from "Sayed al Shanuka, Libyan member of the International Criminal Court, who was interviewed from Paris"
February 24th, just one day after the "genocide news," the International Criminal Court dismisses that man: "A clarification on media information regarding the ICC position on the Libyan situation is necessary. Various media sources have published information regarding the situation in Libya attributed to Mr Sayed Al Shanuka (or El-Hadi Shallouf), presented as a "member of the International Criminal Court" (ICC).
The ICC wishes to clarify that this person is neither a staff member nor counsel currently practicing before it, and by no means can he speak on behalf of the Court. Any declaration he made is given solely in his personal capacity.
The only official position to date is the ICC Prosecutor's statement, published on 23 February 2011. The decision to seek justice in Libya should be taken by the Libyan people. Currently, the Libyan State is not a Party to the Rome Statute. Therefore, intervention by the ICC on the alleged crimes committed in Libya can occur only if the Libyan authorities accept the jurisdiction of the Court, (through article 12(3) of the Rome Statute).
In the absence of such a step, the United Nations Security Council can decide to refer the situation to the Court. The Office of the Prosecutor will act only after either decision is taken."
But nobody seems to notice this official statement.
A few days later, March 3rd, it is Ali Zeidan's turn, a self-appinted spokesperson from the Libyan League for Human Rights which always, only from Paris, presents more terrifying data: 6,000 victims (3,000 in Tripoli, 2,000 in Benghazi, 1,000 elsewhere). But Zeidan's denunciation is not published in the LLHT website, and by the way Zeidan is not the president nor the director: another fake source. Zeidan is indeed a spokesperson of Benghazi terrorists. And he is the same Zeidan who, on March 23rd, stated: "In future oil agreements, we will remember those who helpd us" (by bombing more!).
It is indeed this data, 10,000 or 6,000 victims in a few days of protests, plus those allegedly "injured by Qadafi," which is taken as gold by the Human Rights Council in Geneva.
(But when in June the chief Prosecutor Ocampo issues a warrant for the three, the figure is no longer 6,000 but 208).
No matter, it is the huge figure which is used as the basis for the UN resolutions and for the war. The assumption is that if, in few days, "Qadafi killed so many people, what will happen if Libyan tanks enter Benghazi?" Indeed Dennis Ross, the White House political advisor, then stated: "Up to 100,000 people could be killed and everybody will blame us if we don't intervene."
This is what the UN resolutions and the war are based on... a tweet from a fake source.
(By the way, even in former wars in the past 20 years, there were fake smoking guns: incubators switched off in Kuwait City by Iraqi soldiers; weapons of mass destruction, mass graves and girls crying in front of a camera that they escaped death or rape).
About Marinella Correggia - Ecopeace activist since 1991, author, committed now against the awful NATO war against Libya
NATO's War Against Libya's Civilians - 07/09/11 - 02:10:10 pm
By FRANKLIN LAMB / Tripoli, Libya

Briefly noted below are five recent instances of undisputed NATO bombings on Libyan civilians selected because they still among the most frequently discussed by residents of Tripoli.
On May 13, 2011, a peace delegation of Muslim religious leaders having arrived in Breda to seek dialogue with fellow Sheiks from the east of Libya was bombed at 1 a.m. in their guesthouse by two MK 82 bombs. Eleven were killed instantly and 14 were seriously injured. NATO claimed the building housed a “Command and Control Center.” All witnesses and the hotel owner have vehemently denied this claim. This observer interviewed the leader of the delegation, Shiek Khalad Ali on three occasions, seeking details. He is recovering from shrapnel wounds to his right leg and confirms the eye-witness accounts. NATO has offered the families compensation.
During the early morning of June 20, 2011, 8 missiles and bombs targeted the home of Khaled Al-Hamedi and his parents and family. Fifteen family members and friends were killed including Khaled’s pregnant wife, his sister and three of his children. NATO said it bombed the home because it was a military installation of some kind. Witnesses, neighbors and independent observers deny there was ever any military installation or troop presence on the property.
In late June, 2011 on the main road west of Tripoli a public bus with 12 passengers was hit by a TOW missile killing all the passengers. NATO claimed that public buses are being used to transport military personnel. Foreign observers, including this one, unanimously aver that they have not seen military personnel in Tripoli, including tanks, APC’s or even military equipment. Local police provide security in the cities and neighborhood watch teams cover the suburbs.
On June 6, 2011, at 2:30 a.m. the central administrative complex of the Higher Committee for Children in central Tripoli, two blocks from this observer’s hotel, was bombed with a total of 12 bombs/rockets. The complex housed the National Downs Syndrome center including its records and vital statistics office, the Crippled Women’s Foundation, the Crippled Children Center, and the National Diabetic Research Center.
On June 16, 2011 at 5 a.m. NATO bombed a private hotel in central Tripoli, killing three and destroying a restaurant and Shisha smoking bar.
According to doctors from the Sirte Central Hospital, and the Libyan Lawyers Group representing the victims of NATO atrocities, who spoke during a briefing on 7/8/11, numerous health issues have resulted from NATO’s attacks.
Among these are an increase of strokes among the general population from five to twenty per month, a 300 per cent increase in diabetes and high blood pressure from February 15 to June 15, 2010 compared with the the same four month period in 2011.
Miscarriages in Libya are up dramatically according to the Prelate of the Catholic Church in Libya, Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, one of the most popular religious leaders in this 99.5% Sunni Muslim country, who informed visitors that in one day at the Green Hospital in Tripoli, following NATO bombing runs in mid March, 2011, there were 50 miscarriages and forty deaths. These statistics were confirmed during a meeting with this observer on 7/5/11 by Dr. Mohamed Milhat, cardiac specialist at the Libyan British Medical Center who described the large increase in the number of citizens complaining of stress-related illnesses.
History will judge NATO harshly for its crimes. Hopefully the citizens of every NATO member state will work to end its mission so as to protect the civilian population of Libya.
Franklin Lamb is doing research in Libya and can be reached c/o
Palestine Civil Rights Campaign-Lebanon
“Failure is not an option for the Palestine Civil Rights Campaign, our only choice is success”
15 year old Hiba Hajj, PCRC volunteer, Ein el Helwe Palestinian Camp, Saida, Lebanon
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